I have officially started my internship and I am getting adjusted to being away from home 9 hours a day four days a week. When I get home it's straight to making dinner and getting the herd to where they need to go! Since I have been getting up so early I've been heading to bed shortly have the herd and haven't taken the time to write here. I want to incorporate blogging and exercise back into my daily routine, I just need to get it figured out. No pressure though because I am not trying to stress out!
I am loving my internship! I love being out of the house and doing something. I am a lot happier now that I have this going on. I am probably getting ahead of myself, seeing as how I have not been on site very long, but I am hopeful that I get hired on at the end of this internship. I did not know that I would have an interest working in a residential treatment program, but I am really enjoying it. I am currently just a shadow and it's been a really cool experience. I am ready to start transitioning back into the workforce.
The herd seems to be adjusting okay so far to my not being here when they get home from school. I thought I would have some guilt about being away, but that's not the case at all. I get home about 45 minutes or so after they do so that helps.
I didn't realize how much I needed this internship for my sanity. I have always had a bit of regret for leaving my employment to become a stay at home mom. I love my herd and I just had a hard time adjusting my role. I feel normal and more like my old self now and I just feel lighter and happier. It makes me a better and more patient mom and wife. So far so good! I hope it continues to go well!!
I have tomorrow off and a to-do list a million miles long! The first thing on my list is to catch some zzz's after the herd gets on the bus in the morning. Then I can worry about what else I have to do.
Until next time,